The Cultural Values of Figurative Expressions in the text Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu

The Cultural Values of Figurative Expressions in the text Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu


  • I Gst Ayu P. Jesika Sita Devi N
  • Ni Made Ayu Widiastuti
  • Yana Qomariana



Cultural Value, figurative expressions, Vedic scripture


This paper discusses the cultural values that are found in the text Mother Pqrvati Curses Citraketu. The aims of this study are to find out the types of figurative expressions found in the text Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu and to find out how the cultural values conveyed by the figurative expressions in the text. The data of this study was taken from the English religious text Purana entitled Srimad-Bhagavatam Sixth Canto. Prescribed Duties of Mankind. The data was collected through library research. The collected data were analysed based on the theory proposed by Larson (1998) and Keraf (2007) about the types of figurative expressions, and the theory proposed by Brown (2001) about the cultural elements. To reveal the cultural values of the text, it is needed to see the cultural elements. In this study, the cultural elements are limited into 3 such as the custom and tradition, religion, and language. The result shows there are 5 figurative expressions namely euphemism, paradox, pleonasm, simile, and metaphor which also comprise their cultural values such as language, custom and tradition, and religion. Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu contains the conversations, purports, and values as a media for learning spiritual knowledge. This paper can be a reference for the readers who study in the concern of culture and language, especially in the use of style in language that can be found from using the figurative expressions. The culture values found in the text Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu namely custom and tradition, religion, and language which can be used as the significant background into daily life nowadays.


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How to Cite

I Gst Ayu P. Jesika Sita Devi N, Ni Made Ayu Widiastuti, & Yana Qomariana. (2021). The Cultural Values of Figurative Expressions in the text Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu. Lekesan: Interdisciplinary Journal of Asia Pacific Arts, 4(2).


